Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to staighten short and curly hair?

I have good hair, but it is really curly so it gives off the appeareance that it is nappy?

Is there a way to straighten it, and i don't wanna wait until it gets into a full blown afro(eww) i kinda want it to look like:


but right now it looks like:




How to staighten short and curly hair?

try a relaxer.

Although it is always safer to go to the salon to get things like color and relaxers done they do sell them at stores such as Walgreens, Sallys Beauty Supply, and some other drug stores.

The way to use a relaxer is as follows,

Hair Relaxer


1Step OneRemove the relaxer within the time limits.

2Step TwoWash your hair with neutralizing shampoo. Use conditioner frequently after relaxing hair.

3Step ThreeUse extra caution when relaxing children's hair. Put hair relaxers out of children's reach to prevent them from playing with the products.

4Step FourGet help with relaxing hair to ensure you cover your head evenly and rinse all of the relaxer from places you can't see.

5Step FivePut petroleum jelly on your scalp before applying relaxer to protect your scalp.

6Step SixStraightening too frequently can damage hair. Get your hairdresser's advice, because different products have different directions. Every six to eight weeks is the norm. Check the product's directions. The frequency of relaxing depends on your hair, especially how fast your hair grows.

Tips %26amp; Warnings

If you do not use both relaxer and hair dye, you are less likely to damage your hair.

Talk to a hairdresser or read product instructions because different relaxers give different directions. Realize that some relaxers should only be used when you do not have die on your hair.

Even "no-lye" relaxer can be harmful if used incorrectly.

Avoid brushing your hair or scratching your head before using a relaxer.

How to staighten short and curly hair?

Go to a Sallys Beauty Supply near you.

%26amp; buy a relaxer kit.

The instructions are on the box.

It permenently straightens your hair.

But when you start growing new hair.

You'll have to relax it again!

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