Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

i have natural curly hair but its very hard to keep it curly....so i want to keep it straight for a while but i dont want keep using a flat iron or get a perm...may i please ask for help??

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

You could use perm solution to straighten it. It sounds funny but if you wash your hair and the apply perm solution to it, then gently comb the hair out straight depending on how much tension that you use will determine how straight or how wavy the hair will be. After the time is up with the first solution then you rinse it you carefully without messing up the straightness. Then you apply the neutralizer and comb out straight and let it set for 5 minutes. Rinse and condition. This will help. I'm am a hair dresser and this does work. Good luck!

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

curl it the opposite direction

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

blow dry???.....

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

no option but to perm it. I have the same problem. I wish I had naturally straight hair. My friends say they love my hair but i feel like I look better with straight. Guess you always want what u don't have.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

You could get chemichal hair straightning. It last up to 6 months.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

straightening every chance you get

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

Well other than that you have no options! So either embrace the curlyness or get it straightened...I have wavy hair and I hate having to blow and flat iron it every day!

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

my best friend and son's aunt has naturally curly hair and she irons it with an iron or bumpers. ( she's hispanic) it works pretty good.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

You buy straightening cream and put it on 3x a day, you brush your hair as constantly as possible.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

try blow drying it and as you blow dry it brush it out with a round brush. o go to the hair dresser ask them to roller set it and then blow it out.it'll come out stright and full of body.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

Use a very strong-hold product and brush it out under a blow-drier. You can also just brush it out while it dries normally. Avoid getting it wet once you leave the house in the morning. Keep brushung it straight. You should also stop it from being long enough to curl on your shoulders, or it will tend to roll.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

straitening it might be the best solution. it works if you have a good straigtener. My friend had the curliest hair ever and she had this great straigtener from conair...you could try it

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

Ok, This is going to sound crazy, but it's worth a try because it will cost you nothing and it will never harm your hair.

Wash and condition your hair. There's lots of shampoos out there that are meant for calming curly hair. After you rinse your hair, comb it through. Put in a little conditioner and comb it through again, make it as flat as possible. Wear a bandana really tight. Wear it as long as possible or over night. When you wake up your hair will be straight and flat. If it's still damp you can blow dry it a little. I'm not crazy....I just have curly hair and I've done this since I was a kid..it works.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

If you ever wnat it permanantly staraight theres this new chemical straighterner that will make it straight for life or you could just put this creme in from Loreal that you in b4 you straighten your hair with a straight iron and it stays straight for days!

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

I would suggest that you wrap your hair for about one week. As the day goes by, you will see your curl start to drop. By the end of the week, they should be all gone. If not, blame me!!!

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

Try using a product like Frizz Ease Wind Down when your hair is wet. It will not totally straightening but it will pull out most of the curl. That is the only option I have found for my curly hair.

Good Luck!

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

As far as i know heat is the only way to straighten hair with out chemicals. Pressing combs, flat irons, pullers are the general weapons. Curly hair is JUICY. Use a citrus potion and shiner and let them bounce.

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

you should learn to have it curly and put it up it looks great if you use the right hair things experiment..but on the straight note...you have no choice but to use an iron on it but just use good hair pro ducts that are activated by heat so it doesn't fry your hair and get a trim at least every two months you would be surprised how healthy your hair is and also you hair will look longer in the long run...dont perm it... your nuts curly hair is so uneven with dryness due to the fact only the part of the curl that is facing the sun gets dry( if you know what i mean) so like i said buy good products and i get mine straighten with iron at the hairdressers once a week and i keep it up with my iron in the morning...so it doesn't get dry and damaged

How do i keep my curly hair straight without perming it??

ther is no way

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