Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What can i use on my curly hair so it wont get wavy?

well my hair is really curly when i straighten my hair whit an iron,the ones made for hair, it stays for like 30 min and then starts getting wavy. ive tryed everithing. any help please!!

What can i use on my curly hair so it wont get wavy?

sorry but i think ull just have to stay with wavy and curly.or try a straightening shampoo and conditioner.

What can i use on my curly hair so it wont get wavy?

I'm doing the opposite...trying to convince my curly hair to stay that way. But I did find that John Frieda stuff actually DOES what it's supposed to. Plus, it's like $3 at Walmart. If I were you, I'd probably invest $3 and give whatever John Frieda stuff there is for straightening hair. I bet it would work.

What can i use on my curly hair so it wont get wavy?

frizz ease serum. a round brush. a hair dryer. and then either a large curling iron or a flat iron to smooth it out. this works for me. the two step....drying it with a brush and then smoothing it with the iron does work.

you can't let it dry curly and then expect to get all the curl out with an iron.

i take and pull the top portion of my WET hair back and then i can brush down to dry the bottom. then with another scrunchy i pull that back. flip my head over and undo the top part and dry that upside down for body.

What can i use on my curly hair so it wont get wavy?

BedHead - Control Freak by TiGi. It's green, looks like gel but it's not. Runs about $13 a bottle but worth it. I bought it because I thought it was just going to tame my frizz ( I have curly hair too) and it straighted it without an iron. I don't like my hair straight, I look weird. Everyone I know who uses it, swears by it.

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