Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

I am 23...my hair has been long for years and I feel that I need a change. I figure a haircut would definitely make me feel different. I have an oval face and my hair is pretty much up to my lower back while curly and blow-dried...Any suggestions?

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

Hey Ace, I think you should cut the ends of it.

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

would you consider cutting it really short like a bob and straighting it? or even keep it curly depending on what kind of curls you have... I would have to see a pic.

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

Keep it long, it sounds so beautiful!

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

You should go to this website called hairstyler.com. It allows you to upload a picture to the website and choose different hairstyles that may fit you. It works very well because you get to see the actual style on your face and they have about a 1000 styles short, medium and long... check it out. Good Luck

I have very long, extremely curly hair and I want a new haircut....?

There are dozens of pictures of hairstyles and a free virtual makeover on beautyriot.com.Try on any hairsytle you like on the free virtual makeover and you might find something you like. Good Luck. The website is beautyriot.com

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