Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What are the latest style for curly hair?

I wanted to get a hair style which has kinda side swept bangs....u know like which covers one eye...is it possible with curly hair?how do i instruct my hair dresser for that?

What are the latest style for curly hair?

I think you could but you woudl have to straighten the fringe part. (bangs)

Otherwise, it could get a bit out of control.

If you have a picture of it, definately take it in to show a hairdresser, or even two pictures if you can't find one exactly right.

Good luck! and you would definately need product. :]

What are the latest style for curly hair?

WILD and NATURAL, do it yourself and save the money

What are the latest style for curly hair?

i had that done it looks ace (yes i have curly hair) what i did was as for fringe that goes diganal.The only you can do this it if your fringe is grown out because you have to have your fringe a little bit longer so when you have it curly it wont look stuip

What are the latest style for curly hair?

tell her you want hair like Callie's on greys anatomy

What are the latest style for curly hair?

Of course that is possible. you just tell you hairdresser exactly what you told us now, or maybe bring her a picture of that style you want..

Curly is the right thing now, it is trendy however you have it , just let it be curly and you're inn..

Good Luck

What are the latest style for curly hair?


@ the moment, if you hasve naturally curly hair, your a lucky girl, Have you heard of the Jessica Simpson curls? Well because you have curly hair, let your hair dry naturally, spray a tiny bit of hairspray about 30 cm away from your hair, (dont use a spray that will make your hair stiff) Grab a really fat curling brush, the grab some hair from the back %26amp; put it over your shoulder, curl with the brush from the ear down, dont put to many curls or your hair will just look like a perm. do a couple at the front, %26amp; wahla, you have Jessica Simpson curls, if not sure what I am talking about, go to a hair salon and ask if they can blow dry your hair like Jessica Simpson, watch how they do it, %26amp; your laughing, I envy you as I have dead straight hair so its alot harder to do. I hope I have helped you.

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